Megan Demarest Megan Actor Headshot

Master's Candidate in Library and Information Science

Performing Artist

Home About Me Professional & Creative Image Gallery Where I've Been & Where I'm Going



I am an actress, singer, voice over artist, director and producer with a BFA in performance from Salem State University in Salem, MA. In May 2020, I received my Master's degree in Library and Information Science from Simmons University in Boston, MA. Prior to enrolling at Simmons, I worked as a higher education administrator for over 15 years- at New England Conservatory in Boston, Tisch School of the Arts (NYU) in New York City and most recently at Bennington College in Vermont. In August 2017, I relocated from Bennington, VT to Brandon, Manitoba, Canada with my husband, Matthew, and our son, Elliott, who is now 9 years old. In July of 2020, we moved back to our hometown of Schenectady, NY to be closer to family. After both getting jobs in Vermont, we moved back to the Green Mountain State.

I am extremely interested in exploring the intersection of LIS and the performing arts, including storytelling, oral history and other original performances using library and archival material as both source and inspiration. I hope to gain hands on experience with bookmaking and repair as well as rare books and special collections. I'm also quite keen on being a librarian and look forward to what is yet to come.

Megan and Elliott in Burlington


Dessert Collage

I'm not much of a visual artist, but I do love to bake, especially pies. My son is my primary baking inspiration, but I love to share with everyone! Starting from the larger image and moving clockwise:

Meyer Lemon Cake
Granny Smith Apple Raspberry Pie
Chocolate Cake with Strawberry Filling, Chocolate Buttercream & Chocolate Ganache, AKA "Spider-cake"
Apple Raspberry Pie
Figgy Pudding Trifle
Banana Cream Pie with Meringue & Raspberries